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Nellis Area Spouses' Club

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Why is education important to you as a military spouse or dependent and how does it contribute to your long term goals? What do you hope to achieve through your educational journey?

Essay Requirements:

  • Be double spaced
  • Typed using Times New Roman 12pt font
  • Include word count at top of essay (maximum of 500 words)
  • Include last four of applicant’s social security number in the bottom right hand corner
  • Do not use your name, school, or position so that it may be evaluated objectively.


ELIGIBILITY: At the time the scholarship application is due, the applicant must demonstrate reputable character and;

A) Be a candidate for high school graduation in the class of 2025,

B) Have a valid dependent military ID card, and be the dependent of one of the following:

a. Active Duty (including Active Guard and Reserve on orders) military personnel stationed in southern Nevada;

b. Deployed or Remote Active Duty (including Active Guard and Reserve on orders) military personnel, whose family/dependent resides in southern Nevada;

c. Retired military personnel residing in Southern Nevada; or

d. POW/MIA or deceased military personnel whose family/dependent resides in southern Nevada.

**The Scholarship Committee shall verify eligibility upon receipt of Military Sponsor Identification.**


ELIGIBILITY: At the time the scholarship application is due, the applicant demonstrate reputable character and;

A) Possess a high school diploma or equivalent,

B) Have a valid dependent military ID card, and be the dependent            (non-spouse) of one of the following:

a. Active Duty (including Active Guard and Reserve on orders) military personnel stationed in southern Nevada;

b. Deployed or Remote Active Duty (including Active Guard and Reserve on orders) military personnel, whose family/dependent resides in southern Nevada;

c. Retired military personnel residing in Southern Nevada; or

d. POW/MIA or deceased military personnel whose family/dependent resides in southern Nevada.

**The Scholarship Committee shall verify eligibility upon receipt of Military Sponsor Identification. **   


ELIGIBILITY: At the time the scholarship application is due, the applicant must demonstrate reputable character and;

A) Possess a high school diploma or equivalent,

B) Have a valid dependent military ID card, and be the Spouse of one of the following:

a. Active Duty (including Active Guard and Reserve on orders) military personnel stationed in southern Nevada;

b. Deployed or Remote Active Duty (including Active Guard and Reserve on orders) military personnel, whose family/dependent resides in southern Nevada;

c. Retired military personnel residing in Southern Nevada; or

d. POW/MIA or deceased military personnel whose family/dependent resides in southern Nevada.

**The Scholarship Committee shall verify eligibility upon receipt of Military Sponsor Identification.**

Club Questions

PO Box 9785

Nellis AFB, NV 89191


4148 Mountain Home St.

Nellis AFB, NV 89191


4148 Mountain Home St.

Nellis AFB, NV 89191


4148 Mountain Home St. 

Nellis AFB, NV 89191

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